Last April 11-14, a Visiting Evaluation Team composed of Drs. Teresa Chai, Academic Dean of Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS), Philippines; Samuel Sidjabat, President of Tyrannus Bible Seminary, Indonesia; and Rev. Khee Vun Lin, Principal of Anglican Training Institute (Sabah) went to St. Paul’s Theological Seminary, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This visit was conducted as a response to the request of the institution to evaluate and accredit three programs, namely their 1- year Certificate in Theology, Mission, and Ministry (C.Th), their 2- year Diploma in Theology, Mission, and Ministry (Dip. Th), and lastly, their 3- year Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Mission, and Ministry (B.A Th). 

St. Paul’s Theological Seminary aims at preparing its students for church leadership- be it lay or ordained leadership, full time or bi-vocational. It is the Seminary’s hope that its students plant new churches not just in Malaysia, but also beyond and in the wider South East Asian Region. Additionally, it aims at equipping students for life long effective ministry. Their vision is “to play our part in the evangelization of the nations, the revitalization of the church, and the transformation of society.” St. Peter’s Theological Seminary is registered under the Anglican Synod of the Diocese of West Malaysia and yet also remains Ecumenical, Evangelical, and Charismatic and is open to churches and other denominations, which is attested by their diverse student body. 

Let’s continue to pray for St. Paul’s Theological Seminary as it seeks to equip more leaders for the church and its mission.