This quarter saw ATA member institutions in Nepal embark on their second year GATE workshop. 80 faculty from 9 institutions went on a workshop entitled “Teaching Methods for Transformational Education” last 30 January up until 01 February 2019. The 9 institutions are as follows:

  1. Nepal Methodist Theological Seminary
  2. Nepal Theological College
  3. Reformed and Presbyterian Theological Seminary
  4. Nepal Presbyterian Theological Seminary
  5. Nepal Baptist Bible College
  6. Nepal Evangelical Holiness Theological Seminary
  7. Kathmandu Institute of Theology
  8. Nepal Ebenezer Bible College
  9. Asia Graduate School of Theology Nepal

The workshop was held in Nepal Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Kathmandu, Nepal and was facilitated by Dr. Theresa Lua, ATA General Secretary and Dr. Mona Bias, Academic Dean, International Graduate School of Leadership.

The workshop was very well received and garnered so much positive feedback, some of which are as follows:

Transformative method of teaching based on Jesus’ teachings was one of the most impressive and challenging lessons that I have learned during this workshop.

Engaging participants to examine their lesson plans and teaching methods has helped me a lot.

The 7 steps of planning and setting goals while making lesson plan were the most helpful.

All sessions were very helpful and important. We need more workshops on this.

The teaching pattern and methods were new for me. It helped me to understand the importance of transformation in education.

This workshop will help us to become more effective teachers.

It was most helpful to be reminded to be more learner-oriented in our planning and teaching.

This workshop really achieved my expectations.

We praise God for what He has been doing in the past two GATE workshops held in Nepal. Please continue to pray that He blesses and moves mightily in the two more in the two years to come.